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Ripped and sliced and cut and torn...even after I've utilized the materials to create a new photograph, it's difficult for me to discard the shredded pieces. I find I'm ALWAYS wondering how I might incorporate the same into something new. But I can't keep everything or I'll run out studio space....arrg!


Pleased to announce that my work will be exhibited in the ImageNation International Photo Expo at Galerie Joseph Saint Martin in Paris, France on November 9-11, 2018.

The Galerie is located in the heart of Le Marais quarter, one of Paris' most trendy and fashionable art districts. The exhibition will coincide with Paris Photo, the largest international art fair event dedicated to the photographic medium.

Super excited!


I think as artists, we all ideally would like to start a new project with a clean slate, whether that be a blank canvas, a fresh roll of film, or a clean work table. When I'm in creative mode, I tend to have a lot of ideas flowing at the same time, some of which I'll leave and come back to later. As a result, content builds up over time, as I layer idea on top of idea. If I had a worktable one mile long, I know I would fill it just because it's there! I can sense when the clutter gets too great and starts to stifle my creativity. I know then it's time to clear the messy work table, reboot and get started once again.



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